The shocking truth is now available...


Bunk 47 is the shocking true story of Keith Mosher and his dark, depraved journey through a 40-plus-year porn addiction that culminated in his arrest and prosecution. More importantly, this book tells the story of how Jesus Christ saved Keith from not only eternal separation from God but a 20-year prison sentence.

This book begins with the fateful day the FBI raided Keith's home and office, and walks us through his subsequent arrest, jail time, house arrest, and court hearings. The book ends with a stark warning to men who are lost in porn addiction and the practical steps they can take today to break free from pornography forever.

If you feel lost in porn addiction, filled with shame, fear, and regret, you must read Bunk 47 today!

  • Bunk 47 is filled with Bible verses to edify and enrich

  • Includes a 6-step plan to help you escape porn addiction

  • Pages of resources, plus a downloadable pdf with links

This book is a powerful testimony of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. No matter how far you have fallen, no matter how dark your sins have taken you, God's grace is sufficient. Bunk 47 will challenge you to understand the true saving power of the blood of Christ, and should be read by Christians around the world.


"This book is a powerful testimony to God's sovereignty, echoing the words of Isaiah 45:7: "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." It reveals how, even in moments of calmness and darkness, God's hand is always present."

Professor Allen Mallari, PhD
Seek Jesus First Ministries


As I reflect on the 40+ years I was addicted to pornography and the utter destruction it left in it's wake throughout my life, there are many times I questioned my salvation.

How could a real Christian sink so far into depravity? Is it even possible? Right now, as I write this, I don't have those answers, but what I do have is an assurance. Today, for the first time, I can honestly say God has given me an assignment:

To take my testimony to the world and help guide other Christian men and women out of the darkness of porn addiction.

Photo of Pastor Keith Mosher, author of Bunk 47
Photo of Pastor Keith Mosher, author of Bunk 47

"Keith Mosher's heart-wrenching memoir Bunk 47 is a stark and sobering testament to the destructive power of pornography addiction, as his brutal honesty about his descent into porn addiction forced me to confront the depths of depravity that can ensnare any soul. Though I have not walked the same dark path as Mosher, his raw account of the shame, isolation, and despair that haunted him served as a jolting reminder of the common human frailty that can lead us astray without the anchor of God's grace. Ultimately, Bunk 47 stands as a beacon of hope, illuminating the truth that even in the face of the most grievous sins, the transformative love and redemption offered through Jesus Christ has the power to bring the lost out of darkness and into His glorious light."

Jason Mathew
LeadMeNot, Founder & President


Photo of Jason Mathew founder and CEO of Lead Me Not
Photo of Jason Mathew founder and CEO of Lead Me Not

Keith is on an assignment to take the testimony of what Jesus Christ has done in his life, to the world. He has developed a unique presentation that can last from 45 minutes up to 1 1/2 hours, and includes his full testimony and a slide presentation about the dangers and reality of porn use.

This message must be carried to men and women of the church as a shockingly high number of women are now lost in porn addiction, along with men. Keith is on probation until March 2025, and until then, he will only be doing speaking engagements at local churches in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Keith Mosher discussing his new book Bunk 47 at a local Las Vegas church
Keith Mosher discussing his new book Bunk 47 at a local Las Vegas church
Keith Mosher's testimony being delivered at a church in Las Vegas
Keith Mosher's testimony being delivered at a church in Las Vegas


We have set up a GoFundMe to help cover the costs of publishing and promoting Bunk 47. We are currently about $2,800 shy of our target.

We are confident God did not bring Keith this far to have the project fail due to finances. We now patiently wait for God to bring the necessary resources for His ultimate glory. If you have been blessed by God with an abundance, we ask you to consider helping us reach our goal prayerfully. You can use the QR Code or click the button below: